Application process

There are two ways to apply for positions in DoSChem

1. DoSChem pooled calls

The Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry (DoSChem) launches once a year a pooled spring call and offers doctoral training at the University of Vienna across all areas of chemistry.

Our international call for PhD positions opens on 03.03.2025 and closes on 21.04.2025.

We don’t provide any individual information on your status within our application process. All your submitted paperwork is forwarded on time to the advertising Professors of your preference and currently being reviewed. Please find the timeline below.

If invited to the interview, you will be directly contacted by our Professors via email provided within your application paperwork.

how to apply


Timeline overview table

·       Application opens: March

·       Application closes: 21th of April

·       Pre-selection meetings: approx. mid of May

·       Student Interview Days: mid-end May

·       Final selection meetings: June

·       Offers sent out: (mid)-end of June

·       Offer need to be accepted: end of June/July

·       Start of 2025 cohort: summer/fall 2025

2. Open postions

Open positions can be filled during the year, independently of the DoSChem call.

If available, open position will be posted here.

If you have been admitted to DoSChem via the spring call no further action is required to be part of DoSChem.

If you have been recruited independently from the spring call, please contact to receive the documents to get admitted to DoSChem.


The University of Vienna has a very strong, institutionalised gender equality policy and within this framework DoSChem strives to strengthen the career development of female scientists at all qualifications levels and to support compatibility between family and work/ training.

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