External Funding
- Info about the mobility programs from the International Office (University of Vienna)
- The DOC Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- current deadlines for prices / awards (University of Vienna)
- grant by the "Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft" (ÖFG)
- Excellence Scholarships for France
- Other mobility grants: OeAD mobility grants; Mariette Blau-Grant; MOCHEM; L'oréal;
- Competitions
- Dimitrov Fellowships
- ÖGMBT Travel Grants
- The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) awards travel grants
- Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation) - Austria/China, Czech Republic, India, Slovenia
- Mobility Fellowships - Chicago, Jerusalem, Kyoto, Peking and Shanghai
- Travelling Fellowships
- Disruptive Innovation - Early Career Seed Money
- FWF Esprit
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Elise Richer
- Apart-MINT
- TÜV AUSTRIA Wissenschaftspreis
- Loschmidt-Preis
- ÖGMBT Life Science Awards Austria
- Elisabeth Lutz-Preis
- Science&SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists
- ÖFG Druckkostenzuschüsse
- Karl Schlögl-Preis
- Stipendium der Monatshefte für Chemie
During the PhD:
- Info about the mobility programs from the International Office (University of Vienna) e.g. Short-term grants abroad - next deadlind 15 October.
- The DOC Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: offers funding for highly qualified doctoral candidates in all areas of research. The fellowships in the amount of 38,000 Euros allow young researchers to dedicate themselves to working in focused fashion to complete their doctoral thesis within a clear timeframe.Applications for a DOC Fellowship are open to highly qualified doctoral candidates.
- Current deadlines for awards, grants and prices from the University of Vienna
- Grant by the "Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft" (ÖFG): The research funding program "International Communication" of the Austrian Research Foundation is an Austria-wide accessible supplement to the financial support possibilities of universities and project funding institutions in providing travel funds for trips abroad and for inviting scientists to Austria. Submission dates 2023: 8 January, 12 March, 11 June, 1 October, 5 November
- various mobility scholarships for PhD students offered by the OeAD, also here
Excellence Scholarships for France (research stays, doctoral studies) (Deadline: new deadline tba)
Aimed at: doctoral students, postdocs, young researchers
The Institut français d'Autriche and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs offer excellence scholarships for short scientific research stays (1 to 6 months) and doctoral studies (cotutelle and codirection) in France. These scholarships are aimed at doctoral students, postdocs and ambitious young researchers who have written their doctoral thesis within the last 5 years and are employed in an Austrian and/or French research institution (university, research institute or similar).
- Funding: between 1.100 and 1.700€ per month
- Deadline for submission: new deadline tba
- More information: https://www.institutfrancais.at/bgf
Please find more information here (unfortunately only in German or French).
- MOCHEM fund: for international research stays. Application deadline: new deadline tba, 6-12 months; up to 10000 Euros.
- L'oréal Austria: Fellowships for young female basic researchers in Austria; Application deadline: new deadline tba, 6-12 months; up to 25000 Euros.
- Marietta Blau-Grant from the OeAD: offers financial support for six- to twelve-month study periods abroad for doctoral or PhD students of Austrian universities. It serves to optimise their dissertations. Junior researchers are the main target group.
Target group: PhD-scholars from Austrian Universities
Target countries: all except Austria
Duration: 6 to 12 months
Monthly Grant rate: up to EUR 1,660
Closing date for applications: September 1st
The OeAD offers webinars to inform about the Marietta Blau-Grant: The webinar offers an overview of the Marietta Blau Grant and the application process.
more info about the application process can be found here.
- Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation) - Austria/China, Czech Republic, India, Slovenia: S&T Cooperation programmes are based on inter-governmental and bilateral agreements or memoranda of understanding and contribute to the further development of the international cooperation activities of Austrian higher education and research instituiotions in the fields of science and technology.
- Deadline: planned for spring
- Mobility Fellowships - Chicago, Jerusalem, Kyoto, Peking and Shanghai: is a mobility program (3-8 weeks) offered by the University of Vienna. This is intended to expand and intestify contacts with specialist colleagues at the strategic partner universities.
- Funding: 90 € per day, in addition to the current salary; plus flat-rate travel allowances
- Deadline: 9.4.2024 and 29.10.2024
- Grants for Austira - oead
- Open Calls and Awards
- Studienvertretung Doktorat NaWi
- Expedition Future SPINOFF 2024/1 For all those whose idea of a better future is based on scientific findings and aims at disruptive or radical innovations.
After the PhD:
- MAX KADE: The Max Kade Foundation in New York supports scientists from all areas of research who want to conduct a research stay in USA.
- Funding: USD 56.500
- Deadline: 25.6.2024
- Travelling Fellowships: The Company of Biologists journals-Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology andDisease Models & Mechanisms - offer Travelling Fellowships to graduate students and post-doctroral researches. There is no restriction on nationality. Applicants should be working in the field of the journal to which they apply and plan to visit another laboratory.
- Funding: up to GBP 3.000
- Deadline: 9.8.2024, 25.10.2024
- TÜV AUSTRIA Wissenschaftspreis: Approved scientific theses and HTL diploma theses can be submitted between 2022 and 2024
- Deadline: 31.7.2024
- Loschmidt-Preis: The Chemical Physical Society is offering a prize for 2022 to support graduates of chemistry or physics at Austrian universities (age limit 35 years).
- Funding: EUR 1.500
- Deadline: tba
- Funding: EUR 1.000 and EUR 3.000
- Deadline: 9.6.2024
- Elisabeth Lutz-Preis: is awarded for basic and application-oriented research in the field of biosciences and life sciences, in particular for new findings or innovative research approaches that could subsequently be helpful for the development of new therapeutic approaches.
- Funding: EUR 15.000
- Deadline: 15.5.2024
- Science&SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists: The Prize was launched with the vision to recognize that global economic health is dependent upon a vibrant research community
- Funding: USD 30.000 USD 10.000
- Deadline: 15.7.2024
- ÖFG Druckkostenzuschüsse: The Austrian Research Foundation promotes the publication of works from all areas of scientific research. The aim is to primarily support scientists who are not yet established and who have fewer opportunities to finance publication.
- Fudning: pro Druckkostenförderung max. EUR 2.000
- Deadline: 17.3., 11.8., 6.10.2024
- Karl Schlögl-Preis: is awarded for an outstanding dissertation in the field of synthetic, physical, analytical or theoretical chemistry, which was predominantly carried out at an Austrian university and completed no more than two years before the submission deadline. Applicants do not have to be Austrian citizens.
- Funding: EUR 4.000
- Deadline: 2.4.2024
- Stipendium der Monatshefte für Chemie: The scholarship from the Monatshefte für Chemie is intended to help students complete a dissertation in the field of chemistry; in particular, it is intended to support doctoral students who wish to spend time abroad as part of the funding.
- Funding: EUR 10.000 brutto
- Deadline: 15.4.2024