Evelyn Fueloep, Florian Traxler and Christina Schedl (Prof. Lothar Brecker group, institute of Organic Chemistry) will represent DoSChem at the Austria-wide Long Night of Research 2022, which takes place on 20.05.2022 from 5 p.m. -11p.m. Together with other Vienna Doctoral Schools they will explain their research “Drug Synthesis & Nature: Why does Chemistry need "natural" inspiration?” in a comprehensive hands-on way to an interested broad and young audience on a site of Campus Uni Wien.
With the support of their team and in collaboration with the department of Botany and the Biodiversity Research, Evelyn, Florian, and Christina (picture FLTR, © Evelyn Fueloep) will follow up on so-called “chemical fingerprint” of plants and show how to isolate and purify natural substances and pigments with simple chromatographic experiments.
Let’s give them a credit and stop by at Vienna Doctoral Schools tent at the University of Vienna Campus!
For more information: