DoSChem Call "International Exchange"


DoSChem students who received the funding for the “International Exchange” program.

We are happy to announce that DoSChem will support within the "International Exchange” program (Deadline April 1st 2021) 3 proposals:

  • Miran Lemmerer with the projectConstruction of complex g-lactams via an interrupted Corey–Chaykovsky/Smiles rearrangement cascade” carried out at the Kyoto University, Japan.
  • Tatiana Priamushko with the project: “Testing mesoporous metal oxides at reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites as electrocatalysts for Li-air batteries"” carried out at the Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
  • Dominik Vogl with the project:”Zooming in on the Central Repeat Domain of Tau4 by NMR spectroscopy” carried out at the University of Queensland, Australia.

Next application deadline for “International Exchange” & “New Ideas”  is July 1st! We are happy to assist you with your application!

Foto (from the left corner): Dominik Vogl, Tatiana Priamushko, Miran Lemmerer. (Copyright: Elena Rastew)