On October 7th, the Seibersdorf Laboratories opened their gates to the DoSChem students. CEO Martina Schwaiger welcomed the participants at the site and gave an introduction covering the fields of expertise present on the site. Besides chemical analytics, the production of radiopharmaceuticals, radiation protection and measuring equipment, and their broad portfolio covering official calibration, accreditation, and certification are united at this research site. A more detailed insight into the highly specialized field of radiopharmaceuticals was then given by Simon Watzinger. Finally, the 17 Students were guided through the world's second-biggest anti-doping analysis lab by its head Edmund Benetka, where they could learn about the challenges of fast and precise anti-doping screening of sports samples.
After a great tour and interesting discussions about Seibersdorf Lab's expertise, hiring policies, and career development options we returned back to Vienna. We are thankful for Seibersdorf Lab's hospitality and for giving us insights into their working fields.
PS: They are always looking for skilled and motivated people and are amongst others currently hiring in the radiopharmaceuticals department. If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact students.dos.chem@univie.ac.at and we'll share the contact information of Mr. Watzinger. He's happy to answer questions if you are interested in a job.