It's time to say goodbye to the current student representative team and to elect a new generation of student representatives (2 representatives and 2 deputies) for the next period (November 2024 – October 2025) at your doctoral school.
As a student representative, you will be part of the steering committee of DoSChem and participate in all major decisions such as events to be held and budget distribution. You also control your own budget for social events and educational trips.
In case you are interested in shaping the future of DoSChem and in participating in organizing our school, please send an email to indicating your willingness to be a student representative (or a deputy) until Friday, October 25th 2024.
The election is planned to take place via Moodle in the week 21.10.-25.10.24 and inaugurated during the “Halloween party” or the next DoSChem Stammtisch on 31.10.24 (farewell event for the current team and a welcome event for the new team).
We are looking forward to receive your candidacies and will provide short profiles of all candidates.
For more details, please collect information from DoSChem heads, admins or the past student representatives (contact details via