DoSChem students receive many prizes in the first Chemistry@UNIVIE Photo Competition 2022


In the first Faculty of Chemistry initiated "Chemistry@UNIVIE Photo Competition" (collaborating with the Directorates of Studies (SPL 27 & SPL 53), DoSChem - Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry and the student representation STV) several DoSChem students win in different categories.

40 images were submitted for two different categories Zooming into research and 360 degrees Chemistry.

Listed below you find all DoSChem student awardees. For all winner pictures please click here.

Category: 360 degrees Chemistry

  • 1st place: Flask in the evening sun by Alexander Rosner (Panel C; Institute of Inorganic Chemistry)
  • Runner-up: Catalytic Cocktail by Olivera Cvetkovic (Panel C, Institute of Chemical Catalysis)
  • Highly recommended: Purple wave by Yasmin Borutzki (Panel B Institutes of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry)


Category: Zooming into research

  • 1st place: Window into another world by Manuel Pristner (Panel B, Institute of Food Chemistry and Toxicology)
  • Runner-up: Cellular Moon by Yasmin Borutzki (Panel B Institutes of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry)
  • Highly recommended: Blinding Lights by Martin Schaier (Panel B, Institute of Analytical Chemistry)


Special award "for a collage/graphic/montage with outstanding idea and realization"

Once you see it, it cannot be unseen: animals eating cookies by Jana Kupka (Panel A, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry – Functional Materials)

Flask in the evening sun. This photo was taken after a long day of tricky purification of an aromatic heterocyclic ligand. It nicely solidified in the shape of flowers. Or snowflakes. Or leaves. Or corals. Whatever, it is beautiful. (© Alexander Rosner)

Category 360 degrees Chemistry - 1st place: Flask in the evening sun This photo was taken after a long day of tricky purification of an aromatic heterocyclic ligand. It nicely solidified in the shape of flowers. Or snowflakes. Or leaves. Or corals. Whatever, it is beautiful. (© Alexander Rosner)



This photo depicts a view into the electrospray ion source of a mass spectrometer. Mass spectrometry enables the qualitative and quantitative analysis of thousands of different molecules, allowing us to take a closer look into this world of molecules maki

Category Zooming into research - 1st place: Window into another world. This photo depicts a view into the electrospray ion source of a mass spectrometer. Mass spectrometry enables the qualitative and quantitative analysis of thousands of different molecules, allowing us to take a closer look into this world of molecules making up the fabric of life. A small amount of blood or tissue is not only sufficient to investigate disease and aid the development of new pharmaceuticals, making mass spectrometry an indispensable tool in biomedical research, it can also provide insights into the exposure to environmental chemicals of an individual, the so-called exposome. At the faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna we use mass spectrometry-based technologies with the greater goal to bring the vision of a comprehensive investigation of the chemical environmental exposure closer to reality. (© Manuel Pristner)