We are excited to inform you about our fourth retreat rounds organized by each focus area independently with the great help of the students!
This event will take place in Szidónia castle, Hungary
- Focus Area of Research A: February 19-21
- Focus Area of Research B: April 24-26
- Focus Area of Research C: March 13-15
- Panel A
organizers: Peter Lieberzeit (peter.lieberzeit@univie.ac.at) with Ester Iatta (ester.iatta@univie.ac.at), Mahmoud Reda (mahmoud.reda@univie.ac.at) and Dániel Hetey (daniel.hetey@univie.ac.at)
Registration is Open:
Students and PIs please register in Moodle before the 21st of December
- Panel B
organizers: Giorgia Del Favero (giorgia.del.favero@univie.ac.at) and Margit Cichna (margit.cichna@univie.ac.at)
- Panel C
organizers: Roman Lichtenecker (roman.lichtenecker@univie.ac.at) and Thomas Böttcher (thomas.boettcher@univie.ac.at)
Helping students for Panel B & C retreats shall contact PIs in charge.