What is innovation? What is its relation to research? Why is that relevant for researchers? In this presentation, we will answer these questions and explain the role of the University in supporting innovators.
We work at the Technology Transfer Office (TTO), the University body promoting innovation and catalyzing the societal impact of research.
We advise and help researchers to exploit the outcome of their research and valorize new knowledge in different ways, whether by sale or licensing of intellectual property (IP) or materials, or by establishing a new venture based on the technology (spin-off), or on new knowledge (academic start-up).
To get you acquainted with our services, we will introduce our TTO team and discuss IP related aspects of your day-to-day work. We will elaborate on how the TTO helps identify, valorize and protect IP. Finally, we will inform you about entrepreneurship and related activities at the University of Vienna.
The presentation will be held in an interactive style and we are looking forward to lively discussions on technology transfer.
Marco Masia & Inma Sanchez Romero, https://techtransfer.univie.ac.at/
Streaming is available via: https://chemie.univie.ac.at/fakultaetskolloquium
Subsequently, our 3rd Faculty Colloquium in summer term 2022 will take place: