We would like to acknowledge all your support and help and invite you to our Christmas party on 20.12.2021 at 4-6 p.m. in the courtyard “Innenhof Haus1”
As for the new “challenge”, we would like to ask you, whether there are musicians among you who would like to jam together in our courtyard, so we would enjoy not only hot maroni and warm wine but also heart-warming DosChem made music! If so, please reach out to Martin Buessler (martin.buessler@univie.ac.at), who kindly volunteered to be in charge and to coordinate music performance of our little Xmas event.
For your attendance please register yourself (the registration will be open till 20.12.21):
COVID-19 rules:
We follow the guidelines as mandated by the University of Vienna. Please note that to participate, you are required to provide proof that you have been vaccinated or have recovered from a COVID-19 infection (2G COVID rules) as complied by the Event Management of the University of Vienna (https://event.univie.ac.at/services/covid-19-regeln-zur-durchfuehrung-von-veranstaltungen/) .
We will have mandatory control stations for documents during the event check-in, so please have them ready. We appreciate your cooperation!
If you have additional questions, please contact us for more information!
Your DoSChem management team