Welcome the new DoSChem students representatives


Martin Schaier from Analytics (Panel B), Philip Verdross from Materials (Panel A) and Tadija Kekic from Inorganics (Panel B) are the new student representatives and deputy for the period Nov 2022-Oct 2023.

New student representatives:

Martin Schaier

  • „A crucial aspect of the PhD is getting in touch with students from other groups. It helps create more exchange and collaboration and leads to a more welcoming environment. My goal would be to make it easier for new PhD students to get started and to organize more events where the community can be strengthened.
  • Thesis title: LA-ICP-TOFMS as a tool for evaluating metal-based anticancer drugs in the tumor microenvironment
  • Institute: Department of Analytical Chemistry
  • Supervisor: Gunda Köllensperger
  • Panel B

Philip Verdross

  • „I would like to apply to be a student representative to make teaching freer and easier during doctoral studies. I would like to see a simpler and more personalized study for the doctoral students of the University of Vienna and I would like to work for a stronger networking of the individual departments, so that there can be synergies between the experiences gained at the university. In this sense, I would like to advocate for a more open community and teaching at the University of Vienna that is characterized by student participation."
  • Thesis title: Lignocellulosic materials for the purification of water from heavy metal
  • Institute: Department of Material Chemistry
  • Supervisor: Alexander Bismarck
  • Panel A

New deputy student representative:

Tadija Kekic

  • „I would like to put my name forward as a candidate for the deputy student representative for the next term. I have gained experience in student representation as a student of University of Zagreb, Croatia. There, I was student representative for 5 years on undergraduate and graduate level, member of ethical committee of Faculty of Science and a student representative in the Faculty Colloquium. Personally, I am interested in working on improving the DosChem program and organise students events."
  • Thesis title: Incorporation of 2′O-PivOM and PrOM RNA Phosphoramidites In RNA Microarray Fabrication by Photolithography for the High-throughput Preparation of High-density RNA Oligonucleotide Libraries
  • Institute: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
  • Supervisor: Mark Manuel Somoza, co-supervised by Jory Lietard
  • Panel B

Come and meet them Thursday November, 10th at the DoSChem Student Stammtisch at 6pm at Sägewerk!

DoSChem Student Representatives for the period Nov 2022-Oct 2023 Martin Schaier and Philip Verdross (© M. Schaier, P. Verdross)

DoSChem Student Representatives for the period Nov 2022-Oct 2023 Martin Schaier and Philip Verdross (© M. Schaier, P. Verdross)

DoSChem Deputy Student Representative for the period Nov 2022-Oct Tadija Kekic (© T. Kekic)

DoSChem Deputy Student Representative for the period Nov 2022-Oct 2023 Tadija Kekic (© T. Kekic)