DoSChem call "New Ideas"

Research driven by students

Science is often driven by unexpected observations and unconventional ideas. Our New Ideas program provides you with the financial latitude to ask unusual questions and explore new scientific territory. The aim is to support collaborative initiatives not directly related to your own thesis. Thus, enabling you to explore new ideas or surprising findings independently.

This program will also foster useful skills of how to find a collaborating partner, formulate your ideas in a concise application format and get funded on your own at the early step in your career.

Beyond that, the New Ideas program will help to initiate new synergetic research projects across DoSChem.

Guidelines and application facts

Goal: funding for student-driven collaborative projects across research groups within DoSChem

Who may apply?

  • This call is open to all DoSChem students

Who will be funded?

  • Applications will be evaluated and ranked accordingly. We aim to fund at least 2 DoSChem students from 2 different research groups per call.

When can you apply?

  • The upcoming application deadline will be on 1 October 2024; 2025 outlook: presumably 1 April and 1 October

What is funded?

  • Novel projects not directly related to the PhD thesis project of the students involved
  • Projects accomplishable within 1-3 months
  • Collaboration within DoSChem, however outside your own research group
  • Your salary (up to 3 months) and consumables
  • Consumables (up to 1.000,0 EUR/month; max 3.000,00 EUR in total)

How to apply?

  • 2 students submit a joint application
  • 2-page proposal in English addressing the following points: (i) your novel idea with brief background information (ii) how you want to implement it, (iii) what do you need in order to implement your idea including a budget table and (iv) why do you need your partners expertise
  • Approval statement of both supervisors, agreeing to provide lab space
  • Include the title page with your names and affiliation and the title of the project

How long does the selection process take?

  • 6-8 weeks


NEW!!!! Please use our new Application form! Download here.