We are pleased to finally announce that for the Call (01.10.2024), Magdalena Osowiecka and El Mehdi Raoui projects will be funded by DoSChem within the International Exchange Programme.
Magdalena Osowiecka (Pignitter group/Physiological Chemistry) receives funding for her scientific stay at University of California, Davis.
Magdalena will conduct her project with the title "Mechanistic Insights into Epoxidized Triacylglycerols Inducing Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase" in the group of Guodong Zhang at the Department of Nutrition.
El Mehdi Raoui (Pignitter group/Physiological Chemistry) receives funding for his scientific stay at the Wageningen University.
El Mehdi will conduct his project: "Interfacial rheological properties of proteins isolated by ultra-sonication from beetroot leaves in comparison with proteins obtained from conventional alkaline extraction" in the group of Leonard Sagis at the Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences.
Congratulations to both Magdalena and El Mehdi! We wish them success with their projects and a productive stay.
The next International Exchange deadline is in 15.01.2025.
We are happy to provide you advice and answer your questions in persona (Room: R2120) or via email: dos.chem@univie.ac.at or elena.rastew@univie.ac.at