We are happy to announce that DoSChem will support 3 proposals within the "International Exchange” program (16.01.23):
- Mathias Gotsmy – Biochemical Network Analysis, Department of Analytical Chemistry, group of Jürgen Zanghellini. He will conduct his three months project in the laboratory for Metabolic Systems Engineering of Radhakrishnan Mahadevan at the University of Toronto. His project is “Optimal Design of a Three-Stage Biotechnological Production Process“.
- Yifan Bao – from the Department of Physiological Chemistry, group of Marc Pignitter. The 2 month project “NMR-based Profiling of the Digestive Dynamics of Heated Olive Oil in Mice Gastrointestinal Tract” will be studied in the lab of Patricia Sopelana Garay at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of the Basque Country.
- Patricia Bortel – from the Department of Analytical Chemistry, group of Christopher Gerner. The project with the title "Phosphoproteomic profiling and establishment of LC-MS/MS kinome monitoring assays for the investigation of cellular signal transduction cascades" will be carried out during a three month stay at the host lab institution of Jesper Velgaard Olsen at the University of Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research. Patricia was also awarded with two other mobility grants: the ÖFG travel grant and the Erasmus Traineeship Grant! Congrats to that as well!
The next application deadline for the International Exchange Call is April, 1st. Please check the updated application guidelines on our website regarding the consumables.