Panel C 2022 retreat successfully accomplished


Panel C has successfully completed its second retreat round on 12th-14th of May in Frankenfels

The retreat of the research focus area Synthesis and Catalysis & Biological and Medical Chemistry (Panel C) was successfully held in Frankenfels mid of May.

Please find more information about the retreat here.

group picture of Panel C retreat 2022

Best talk award: Monika Perisic (Biological Chemistry, Muttenthaler group) “Biologically active oxytocin probes allow (sub)-cellular receptor localization”

Best poster award: Lukas Scheibelberger (Organic Chemistry, Pallitsch group) “Synthesis of 4-DEOXY-4-FLUORO-D-SEDOHEPTULOSE and an approach for its FLUORINE-18 labbeled analogue"