Panel A: Retreat 2022
The Panel A (Theoretical/Computational Chemistry and Functional/Sustainable Material) has successfully accomplished its second scientific retreat which took place on 31.05.-02.06.22 in Bad Waltersdorf, in Styria.
It was extremely well organized by:
- Robert Woodward (Materials Chemistry)
- Andreas Mautner (Materials Chemistry)
- Min Chin (Inorganic Chemistry - Functional Materials)
Moreover, the programme was rounded up by spending free time in the pools and spa of the Hotel H2O-Therme Bad Waltersdorf and joint extracurricular activities such as morning run as well as a fun Boccia tournament organized by Philip Verdross (Materials Chemistry, group Woodward).
Here you find the highlights of the 2022 Panel A retreat within the picture gallery (pictures were professionally covered and kindly provided by Peter Lieberzeit) and below the awards for best poster and talk.
All abstracts of the talks and the posters can be found here.
Panel A invited five great speakers for the retreat, who gave very interesting and inspiring talks:
- Prof. Paolo Falcaro (Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, TU Graz), “Metal-organic Frameworks-based Biocomposites: Design, Synthesis, and Applications”
- Dr. Mercedes Linares-Moreau (Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, TU Graz, Austria), “Highly oriented Cu-MOF films and patterns from oriented ceramic substrates”
- Dr. Alexey Cherevan (Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna), “Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: from Fundamentals to our Research”
- Dr. Konstanze Seidler (Cubicure), “The transition from academia to R&D in the industry: Differences and Similarities & How it is to work for a cutting edge 3D-printing company growing from a Spin-off to an SME”
- DoSChem alumnae Dr. Esther Heid (Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna), “Machine learning and heuristics for predicting chemical reactions”
- Best talk award: Lorenz Grünewald (Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, supervised by L. Gonzalez and co-supervised by S. Mai), who will soon officially join the DoSChem programme
Best talk: Lorenz Grünewald (Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, supervised by L. Gonzalez and co-supervised by S. Mai) with Robert Woodward
- Best poster award: Veronika Wank (Department of Physical Chemistry, Group Backus), “Spectroscopic Investigation of the Orientation of Pyruvic Acid at an Aqueous Interface as Function of pH”
Thank you, Panel A! Well done!
Best poster award: Veronika Wank (Department of Physical Chemistry, Group Backus) with Robert Woodward
Lorenz Grünewald (Institute for Theoretical Chemistry) - soon to be DoSChem member
"The DoSChem Retreat 2022 (Panel A Session) was an inspiring and exciting start into the DoSChem for me. Within its very amenable format, the retreat allowed me to connect and exchange with colleagues from various fields in chemistry and provided me a chance to present my own research to this scientific community. Stimulating discussions during the retreat allowed me to attain new ideas for my research project and widen my scientific perspective."
"Due to the high degree of interdisciplinarity of my research field, I find the DoSChem retreat a great opportunity to exchange ideas with other researchers and gain new perspectives for my work. Through the program, I was able to make various contacts outside the university and meet representatives from companies, which gave me insights into possible future fields of employment."
Philip Verdross - DoSChem PhD student (Department of Materials Chemistry)
"The DoSChem retreat marked the beginning of my journey toward the doctorate at the University of Vienna. It was a fantastic opportunity to get to know my colleagues and immerse myself 360 degrees in the scientific community of which this university is characterized. It has been very inspiring to have different opinions and points of view on the main current research topics and this and made me open my mind to new approaches."
Onorati Chiara Luna – DoSChem PhD student (Department of Physical Chemistry)