Panel A: Retreat 2024

The fourth scientific retreat of Panel A (Theoretical/Computational Chemistry and Functional/Sustainable Material) took place at the Szidónia castle located in Hungary on February 19-21 and was successfully organized by:

  • Peter Lieberzeit (Physical Chemistry)
  • Ester Iatta (Lieberzeit group, Physical Chemistry)
  • Mahmoud Reda (Flandorfer group, Functional Materials and Catalysis )
  • Dániel Hetey (Chin, Inorganic Chemistry - Functional materials)

We invite you to “take a tour” and view some highlights of the 2024 Panel A retreat. Pictures were professionally covered and kindly provided by Peter Lieberzeit and Chiara Luna Onorati, please give them credit if you intend to publish them elsewhere.

Panel A Retreat 2024

Panel A Retreat 2024

Panel A invited guest speakers

  • Sergey Borisov from (TU Graz),talk on optical sensors for oxygen and temperature sensing and fluorescence and luminescence



Students and PIs enjoyed at the romantic style castle two and half days of fun intensive scientific exchange including project presentations, inspiring discussions and glammed up for the gala event with table games. 


The gala also featured a game “Panel A Got a Talent” where Panel A members brought items from their daily lives outside the labs and participants had to guess the correct keeper. 


  • Bachmair Brigitta  (Theoretical Chemistry; González group), Illuminating Rare Pathways: Computational Insights into NH3 Photodissociation Dynamic - (Best Poster)
  • Lorenz Grünewald  (Theoretical Chemistry, Mai group), Sharc Can Now Wield Lasers! Pioneering Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Coupled to Simulations of Electromagnetic Fields - (Best Poster)
  • Chiara Luna Onorati (Physical Chemistry, Lieberzeit group), Systematic Studies of MIPs thin films using simple templates - (Best Poster)
  • Paul Schweng (Institute of Materials Chemistry and Research, Woodward Group), Atmospheric water harvesting using a robust and low-cost sulfonated hypercrosslinked polymer - (Best Talk)
  • Mahmoud Reda ( Inorganic Chemistry - Functional materials, Flandorfer Group), Thermochemical Properties of High Voltage LNMO Cathodes - (Best Talk)

Best posters/talks

As for the DoSChem part, we enjoyed working with and assisting the organizing team! You did a great job! Thank you!