Panel B: Retreat 2024
The fourth scientific retreat of Panel B (Bio- & Environmental Analytics and Food Chemistry & Physiology) took also place at the Szidónia castle located in Hungary on April 24th-26th and was successfully organized by:
- Giorgia Del Favero (Food Chemsitry and Toxicology)
- Margit Cichna-Markl (Analytical Chemistry)
- Janice Bergen (Del Favero group)
- Maximilian Jobst (Del Favero group)
- Katharina Pühringer (Cichna-Markl group)
- Julia Andronache (Cichna-Markl group)
We invite you to “take a tour” and view some highlights of the 2024 Panel B retreat. Pictures were professionally covered and kindly provided by Arturo Aunon-Lopez (Physiological Chemistry), please give him credit if you intend to publish them elsewhere.
Panel B retreat participants (©Aunon-Lopez. A)
Invited guest speaker
Magdalena Eitenberger (©Aunon-Lopez.A)
- Magdalena Eitenberger from department of Political Science, University of Vienna gave an engaging seminar on bioethics
On the first day participants enjoyed a tour about the Nuclear Sciences and Applications Laboratories at the International Atomic Energy (IAEA) in Seibersdorf.
The opening evening started with the fireside chat with Marc Pignitter (Physiological Chemistry) sharing valuable insights on his career path as a professor at the Univeristy of Vienna and a co-founder of the spin-off "Lipid Legends", followed by a dynamic poster session and an ice breaker.
The following day, attendees had an option to either enjoy the wellness amenities of the venue or visit the guided tour of the Esterházy castel in Fertőd.
At the evening, which featured karaoke and a pub quiz as highlights, eight groups competed fiercely. The top honors ended in a three-way tie, with "Curie's Mutant Ninjas" (the Principal Investigators' group), "Einstein's Cousins," and "Schrödinger's Cats" sharing the victory.
The organizers decided to create a more relaxed atmosphere without the pressure of competitions, connecting with each other on a more personal level and skipped the "usual" best poster and talk nominations at the end of the retreat. Why not?
Venue impressions
Of course, there were not only those two!
- Etkin Parlar (Samoza group, Inorganic Chemistry)
- Yunyun Gu (Warth group, Food Chemistry and Toxicology)
Students talks
As for the DoSChem part, we hope the notable ambiance of the venue encouraged networking and collaboration, contributing to a successful and enjoyable retreat experience. We enjoyed working with and assisting the organizing team! You did an amazing job! Thank you!
We appreciate your feedback: